2021 International Conference on Electronic Engineering (ICEEM)
Performance Analysis of Adaptive Channel Estimation for Wireless Optical Communication Systems
Oral Presentation , Page 1-5 (5) XML
Volume Title: 2nd IEEE International Conference on Electronic Eng., Faculty of Electronic Eng., Menouf, Egypt, 3-4 July. 2021
1Department of Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menouf, Minufia University, Egypt
2Minufia- Egypt -Elbagoor
3Minufia- Egypt
Abstract: - The efficiency of optical wireless communication systems using different equalization schemes is curial problem. On this paper different adaptive equalization techniques are studied carefully. The performance process of these equalizers is considered and compared using white input and colored input. Results show that Standard LMS equalizer with Adopting Activity Detection Guidance (ADG) using white input signal give good performance than and Standard LMS equalizer only. The proposed equalizer with Activity Detection Guidance (ADG) and the Tap Decoupling (TD) approach guarantees both high performance speed and optimal performance. Also the effect of changing the noise variance in the performance of the proposed equalizer was studied and simulated with results.