2021 International Conference on Electronic Engineering (ICEEM)
A Track Donation System Using Blockchain
Oral Presentation , Page 54-60 (7) XML
Volume Title: 2nd IEEE International Conference on Electronic Eng., Faculty of Electronic Eng., Menouf, Egypt, 3-4 July. 2021
1Computer science,electronic engineering,menouf,menoufia
2Computer Science and Engineering Department, Faculty of Electronic engineering ,Menoufia University
3Computer Science Department, Computer Science and Information System Institute, Culture and Science City 6 October City,
4computer science department,computer science and information system institute,culture and science city,6 october city.
5Computer Science Department, Computer Science and Information System Institute, Culture and Science City 6 October City
6Computer Science Department, Computer Science and Information System Institute, Culture and Science City, 6october city
Charities face a difficult funding environment, mainly because charities are not highly transparent. Day over day It became more difficult to know whether donations are reaching the right place, or taking another course, such as financing suspicious campaigns, terrorist projects, etc. As a result, donors lose faith in these organizations, leading to a halt to interactions with charitable organizations. Thus makes it more difficult for charities to raise money at a great cost. This research proposed a solution to this problem using Blockchain technology, a decentralized database that provides security, transparency, and lower funding cost by eliminating the presence of third parties between donors and charities. All donations can be tracked in Blockchain, allowing donors to know where and how their money is being used. All donations are made using smart contracts, which allow donors to know exactly when and how their donations will be received. Blockchain technology saves time, reduces the cost of donation and reduces the risk of reaching suspicious campaign donations or terrorist projects. Through this solution, a safe and easy donation environment is provided to increase the demand for donations and participate in charity.